OT Cyber Sync: 

Series 1

Voices from the Frontline of Industrial Connectivity and Security

Insights from Florian Doumenc on How Industries are Navigating Digital Transformation and Security Challenges 

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Key Takeaways from Interview


In a comprehensive discussion with Florian Doumenc, CEO and co-founder of Trout, we explore the multifaceted influence of digitalisation on industrial environments. This conversation, part of our ongoing series to gather feedback from leaders on the frontline of industrial connectivity and security, sheds light on the accelerated changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and looks ahead to the future of operational technology (OT) in the landscape of increased cyber threats and regulatory changes.

Delve into the first episode of this comprehensive series bringing the important discussions surrounding industrial connectivity and security to the forefront. 

Section 1

Digitalization: A Current Snapshot

Florian begins by emphasising the ubiquitous presence of digitalisation across various sectors: "Digitalisation is already here and it's kind of everywhere," he notes, pointing out that from connected doors to advanced production systems, digitalisation permeates every aspect of our modern industrial environment. However, it was the pandemic that truly pushed companies beyond their comfort zones: "On the backbone of COVID, there was a lot of forced connectivity...We've seen a surge in adoption that I think is here to stay."

In addition to this, Florian reiterates, "The only way you can achieve that (logistics), is through keeping your margins and that goes through with digitalisation." Highlighting the importance of digitalisation from a revenue and industrial advancement perspective. 


Section 2

The Push for Sovereignty and Security

Reflecting on the strategic shifts within the industry, Florian highlights a growing trend towards reasserting control over critical infrastructures, particularly within Europe. "There is a need for Europe and for some of the countries to own their critical infrastructures...and the only way you're going to be able to do that while maintaining your margins, your revenue, and your competitiveness is through digitalisation," he asserts. This necessity drives the need to innovate and optimise the performance of systems continuously.


Section 3

The Future Directions of Digitalisation

When asked about the potential paths digitalisation might take, Florian suggests a dynamic and explorative approach: "There are so many directions it could go. So let's test, let's see what sticks." He envisions a future where industrial companies become more agile and compartmentalised, mirroring the flexibility seen in IT companies. This shift towards more nimble and responsive operational strategies signifies a departure from the rigid digital migrations of the past. The upcoming NIS 2 regulations present both a challenge, and an opportunity to practitioners. With the short time frame provided, practitioners and business leaders should leverage this momentum to their advantage. Use the regulatory and crucial push to secure budgets, build defence teams, and come up with new ways to innovate further cybersecurity measures to ensure the best protection.

Florian placed particular importance on this matter, “As an IT practitioner, as someone working on the security of your system now is the time to kind of encourage a message of saying we need to do things, and we need to do things fast.” 

In addition to this, practitioners need to innovate with advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning. Practitioners should actively explore these emerging technologies in order to automate threat detection and response. The time for action is now, and as Florian reiterated at the end of the discussion, “Now is the right time also to say, these are the solutions I've seen and validated and I want to move forward with. So I think the momentum is good in terms of pushing innovation.”

Section 4

Emerging Cybersecurity Threats

A significant portion of the discussion is dedicated to the evolving cybersecurity landscape. Florian points out the discrepancies between IT and OT security, particularly how OT lags behind in adopting more robust security measures. The common use of VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) for network segmentation, Florian argues, is not sufficient. "Most of the IT people have a misconception around VLANs," he says, noting that true network visibility remains a challenge and a priority for securing industrial environments against cyber threats. The lack of true visibility in regards to a network and landscape is leaving businesses open to potential threats.

Florian alludes to this, “There's a lot of really innovative companies working on this (visibility), but I think true visibility is one key challenge before moving into the production segmentation.” Essentially, the only true way to mitigate potential threats is to have a complete understanding of your network and the ways in which machines are integrated. Without it, there is no way of knowing how to truly protect yourselves against an attack.

Section 5

NIS 2 Regulations and Their Implications

Looking towards the regulatory horizon, Florian discusses the implications of the upcoming NIS 2 regulations in Europe, set to be implemented by October 2024. "This kind of widespread regulation...is going to see an adoption that really increases for companies," Florian predicts. He emphasises the accelerated timeline for compliance, suggesting that industries must be quick to adapt, echoing a call for agility and proactive engagement across sectors.



Our conversation with Florian Doumenc underscores the critical nature of digitalisation in today's industrial sectors, highlighting the dual needs of advancing technological capabilities and enhancing security measures. As companies navigate these impending changes, the insights shared by Florian serve as a valuable guide for embracing innovation and preparing for the regulatory and cybersecurity challenges ahead.

Watch the Interview in Full Below 👇


Industrial Networks Performance and Security

Trout builds technology to accelerate secure digitization in industrial environments