Webinar - Defense Tech Week Event!

Available to watch on-demand

Next-Gen Cyber Defense: Leveraging Edge Computing to Secure Restricted Environments and Third Party Applications

Join our webinar to explore emerging security trends and innovations in the defense sector. 


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Webinar Speakers


Michaël Raison

Head of Compliance and Risks at SABCA

Michaël is a director and expert in cybersecurity for the defense sector, currently the Head of Compliance at SABCA. He manages comprehensive compliance programs in areas including cybersecurity, with standards and regulations like CMMC, ITAR, EU Restricted and NIS2.0. He oversees audits, risk assessments, and implements crucial security measures like disaster recovery plans. 

Michaël is President of the Board of Cyber Made in Belgium 4 Defence CMIB4DEF, a national initiative with the Belgian Cyber Command gathering all the stakeholders from the Defence & AeroSpace Industry in Belgium. Member of the Belgian Space and Defence Industry BSDI for the aspects of cybersecurity and Principal Consultant at Approach Belgium,  he has developed an broad experience in safeguarding information and ensuring compliance in the defense industry.

Here are some items we'll cover in the webinar

Tackle Evolving Compliance Frameworks (CMMC, NIST, NIS2)

Stay compliant with critical security standards by continuously updating and integrating the latest practices.


Enhance System Resilience

Learn how to integrate third-party applications into your cybersecurity framework, ensuring robust segmentation and monitoring.


Strengthening Access Control

Explore strategies to safeguard defense operations and third-party applications from unauthorized access and threats.